Property Snagging Services



Is Your Dream House 100% Ready? 

Reconfirm it with Our Property Snagging Services

Property snagging

Congratulations on your new home in Dubai! Before you move in, it’s crucial to ensure that every detail is perfect. Our property snagging services are designed to help new home buyers like you inspect your property thoroughly, identify any issues, and work with the builder to resolve them before you settle in.

Key Benefits:

  1. Comprehensive Inspections: Our expert team conducts detailed inspections of your property, covering all aspects from structural integrity to finishing touches.
  2. Early Issue Detection: Identify and address potential issues early on, saving you time and hassle down the line.
  3. Builder Collaboration: We work closely with builders to rectify any snagging issues promptly, ensuring your satisfaction with your new home.

Property Snagging simplified

What Does our Snagging services cover?

  • Painting & Plastering Works
  • General Plumbing Tests
  • Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing
  • Floor & Ceiling Coverings
  • Air Conditioning & Heating
  • Doors and Locking Mechanisms
  • Groundwork & Garage
  • White Goods & Appliances
  • Switches, Plugs & Intercom
  • Window Frames & Handles
  • Patio, Terrace, & Balcony Areas
  • General Property Overview

Property Snagging for you

Why Choose Taslleeh’s Snagging Services?

  • Experience: With years of experience in the Dubai real estate market, we know what to look for and how to ensure your home meets the highest standards.
  • Peace of Mind: Move into your new home with confidence, knowing that it has been thoroughly inspected and any issues have been addressed.
  • Transparent Reporting: Receive detailed reports outlining any snagging issues discovered during the inspection process, empowering you to make informed decisions.

Get Started Today: Don’t let minor issues dampen your excitement for your new home. Contact us now to schedule a property snagging inspection and ensure a smooth transition into your dream home!



Timing – When is the time to conduct snagging?

Determining the optimal moment for undertaking snagging activities is crucial. Constructing a comprehensive checklist for assessing home flaws represents a pivotal phase when investing in a freshly constructed property. This ensures that the standards of construction are upheld and that the value commensurate with the investment is obtained. This checklist is typically compiled towards the culmination of the construction project, akin to a ‘defects liability period,’ enabling the identification and subsequent rectification of any home imperfections by the developer.

Why – How does a new property have snags?

It is assumed that a new residence should have undergone rigorous inspections to meet building regulations and secured a structural guarantee from the developer. An inspection preceding the handover is strongly advised. While developers are tasked with addressing and resolving aesthetic defects, it is improbable that they will account for every conceivable flaw.

Booking – When should I book my Snagging?

The most opportune moment to generate a snag report is prior to final handover, allowing the developer to address any property issues before the transfer of complete ownership. Why is this advisable? Delaying until occupancy by yourself or a tenant increases complexity, as the developer could allege that either party is responsible for any defects arising post-occupancy.

Service – How does a Snagging service work?

During the inspection, the inspector traverses the property, meticulously noting all identified defects through markings and photographic documentation. Exhibiting acute attention to detail and conducting a thorough examination, our inspectors meticulously detect minor and major flaws, documenting each discovered fault. Upon completion, they compile a comprehensive snagging report to be submitted to the construction firm for rectification.


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